Sunday, April 21, 2024

Thomas A Kempis 1.12 - Adversity is a tool

The usefulness of adversity

It is good for us that we sometimes have sorrows and obstacles: often they are calling a man back to his heart, knowing that he is in exile, not placing his hope in any worldly thing. It is good that we sometimes endure people speaking against us, with bad and ill feelings toward us, even when we act well and with good intentions. That helps us to be humble, and protects us from glorying in the world's empty wins. Because that is when we seek what is better -- the inner witness of God -- when we are held in contempt, and given no credit for good.

Therefore it's necessary for a man to strengthen himself completely so that he has no need to seek after so many consolations. When a man of good will is troubled or tempted or afflicted with evil thoughts, then he understands God as greatly necessary to him, and he can witness that he can do nothing at all without Him. He mourns and prays over the miseries he suffers. He gets tired of life, even wishes for death to come so that he could go be with Christ. Through these trials he understands better: in this world there can be no security or fulness of peace.

Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, 1.11. 

Translation focused on contemporary English and preservation of rhetorical force and art

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Thomas A Kempis 1.11 - Spiritual proficiency

Seeking peace of mind: enthusiasm for spiritual proficiency

So much peace is possible if we decide not to trouble ourselves with what other people said or did which is not our own care. How is it possible for someone to remain peaceful daily, who mixes himself into other peoples' concerns, who seeks things outside himself, who seldom or rarely collects himself internally? Blessed are the simple-hearted, for they shall have much peace.

Why were some of the Saints so perfect and so contemplative? Because they studied how to cut off all earthly desires, and so were able to hold fast with their whole heart to God, and freed themselves to focus. We are too self-absorbed with our own passions, too wrapped up in things that don't last. It's rare for us to entirely conquer even a single vice, and we pay no attention to our daily progress. So we remain cold or lukewarm. 

If we were watchful of ourselves rather than focused on other things, then we too could have divine wisdom, and experience something of heavenly contemplation. The biggest thing that gets in our way is that we are not free from our own passions and desires, nor do we try to enter into the perfect way of the Saints. When even a little adversity occurs, our hearts are divided and we are diverted to human comforts.

If we stand like strong men in battle, then we shall see the help of the Lord from Heaven. For those who strive and struggle, those who hope in his grace, he stands ready to help. He provides us occasions to strive so that we may conquer. If we track our progress in religion by outward observances and forms, our devotion will soon come to an end. But let's put the ax to the root of the problem, our desires that control us, and clearing those away we may possess a peaceful mind. 

If every year we conquered one vice, we would soon be perfect. But on the contrary, we often feel that we were better and purer in the beginning of our conversion than after many years have gone by. Our feeling and progress should increase daily, but now it seems great to keep some small part of that first feeling. If we used that first feeling to attack our vices, then afterwards we could do everything with ease and joy.

It is a hard thing to let go of something we're used to doing, harder still to go contrary to our own will. But if you do not overcome small and easy obstacles, how will you overcome more difficult ones? Resist your inclination from the first, and unlearn a bad custom, or it may lead you little by little into worse difficulties. If you were aware how much peace you would bring to yourself and how much happiness to others by tending to your inner good, I think that you would be more concerned for your spiritual progress. 

Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, 1.11. 

Translation focused on contemporary English and preservation of rhetorical force and art

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Thomas A Kempis 1.10 - Peers of mind and spirit

Overflowing with words

Watch out for the babble of men; for it really gets in our way to focus on crude things, even if the conversation started out innocently. Quickly we find ourselves getting into the dirt and caught up in something foolish. How often have I wished I had kept quiet, that I had not been out among people. 

But why do we speak so frequently and trade stories amongst ourselves, since we rarely return to silence without some injury to our conscience? We talk so much because we hope our conversations will bring us some mutual comfort, and we hope that a variety of thoughts will relieve our hearts. And we are so glad -- when it comes to things we love, or things we want, or things we dislike -- we are eager to talk and think about them. 

It is usually pointless and purposeless. This outward consolation is no small loss to the inner divine consolation. So we must watch and pray that the time does not pass by uselessly. If it is right and helpful to speak, then speak things which are constructive. Bad habits and careless conduct leave our mouths unguarded. It helps more than a little for our spiritual development to have a devotional contribution of spiritual things, most of all when peers of mind and spirit associate with each other. 

Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, 1.10. 

Translation focused on contemporary English and preservation of rhetorical force and art

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Resurrection: "They said nothing because they were afraid"

In the Gospel of Mark the regular reading for Resurrection Sunday ends jarringly: the women had seen the empty tomb, had seen an angel, had heard the message that God raised Jesus from the dead -- and kept it quiet at first. "They said nothing because they were afraid." This morning, hearing that reminded me of modern Christianity. We have good news to announce, and sometimes we say nothing because we are afraid. 

These days speaking out as a Christian often means being mocked, being bullied, being shunned. Even in a culture where so many people share our faith in Jesus' resurrection, mentioning faith is signing up for trouble. The critics are loud and proud, with many determined to exclude Christians from the public square, to exclude us from various jobs and professions. 

For the original witnesses of Jesus' resurrection, why would they be afraid to speak out? Maybe fear of being disbelieved, fear of being ridiculed. Maybe fear of the ruling authorities, who after all had just had their beloved leader executed, and those authorities were not too proud to deal with his followers the same way. Maybe even fear of the unknown, the confusion over the missing body and the angel's message. 

What moved them to speak out, to get past the fear? Well, Jesus' resurrection is really too important not to mention. It changes everyone's thoughts, everyone's plans for what to do with their lives, to know something like that. And it's big enough news that it actually changes the view of the world, of life and death, of forgiveness, of what God's love can accomplish, of whether we matter. 

Nobody took just the women's word for it; the women weren't wrong if they feared disbelief and ridicule. But once the others began to see for themselves, the fear was less and the faith was more, and more people believed. May it be so for us in our day. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Thomas A Kempis 1.9 - Taking direction, advice, and counsel

It is a great thing to remain obedient, to live under authority, and not to be a law unto ourselves. It is much safer to be under authority than in a place of authority. Many are obedient more from necessity than from love; these find it painful, and complain easily. Nor will they gain freedom of mind unless with all their heart for the sake of God they submit themselves. If you run here or there to another place you will find no peace except in humble subjection to the rule of authority. Imagining other places and changes has disappointed many. 

True that everyone willingly acts according to his own feelings, and is inclined toward those who feel the same. But if Christ is among us, then it is necessary that we sometimes set aside our feelings for the sake of peace. Who is so wise that he can possibly know all things fully? So do not over-rely on your own sense of things, but be ready to hear sense from others too. If you have a good opinion but for the sake of God you let it go and follow another, you will gain more. 

I have often heard that it is safer to listen and receive counsel than to give it. It may happen that every opinion is good; but to refuse to acquiesce to others when reason or good cause requires it, is a mark of pride or stubbornness.

Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, 1.9. 

Translation focused on contemporary English and preservation of rhetorical force and art

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Thomas A Kempis 1.8 - Choosing your companions wisely

Avoiding over-familiarity

Not everyone is such that you should you reveal your heart to them. But with someone who is wise and fears God you may pursue your cause. Seldom seek the company of the young and the strangers, nor flatter the rich, nor willingly keep company with the powerful and influential. Associate with the humble and simple, the devout not the worldly, who are focused on constructive things. Do not be familiar with someone of the opposite sex, but commend all alike to God. Only to God and his angels should your wishes be familiar, and avoid the notice of men.

We have love for all, but do not make close companions of all. Sometimes it happens that someone we don't know shines with a good reputation, and then his presence darkens the eyes of the onlookers. We think to please others by displaying our firm convictions, and find that we displease them more as they see the dishonesty of our behavior. 

Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, 1.8. 

Translation focused on contemporary English and preservation of rhetorical force and art

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Thomas A Kempis 1.7 - Fleeing from Pride

Flee from misguided hope and pride

It is pointless to put your hope in men or in any created thing. Don't be ashamed to serve others for the love of Jesus Christ, and to be seen as poor in the world. Do not exalt yourself, but build your hope on God. Do what is in you, and God's presence will bless your willingness for good. Do not trust in your knowledge or in the cleverness of anyone alive, but trust more greatly in the grace of God, who helps the humble, and who humbles the proud.

Do not pride yourself on riches if you have them, nor in friends who are powerful, but in God who provides all things, and above all things desires to give Himself. Do not brag about the strength or beauty of your body, for with only a slight sickness its glory is gone and it becomes a source of disgust. Do not please yourself, and through humility or cleverness do not displease God, who is the source of all the good we have by nature. 

Do not count yourself better than others, or you may appear worse before God, who knows what is in man. Do not pride yourself on good works, for there are different judgments between God and man, and God is often displeased at what pleases man. If you see in yourself goodness, believe that others have more, and keep your humility. It does no harm to place yourself below others; but it is great harm to place yourself above even one. Peace is with the humble, while the heart of the proud often has envy and anger.

Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, 1.7. 

Translation focused on contemporary English and preservation of rhetorical force and art